

The Playlists API allows you to interface with and edit playlists that are either published to your site (by an admin) or where the playlist owner has granted you accesss. See our User Access section for more details no how that access is granted.

Published Playlists

The one exception to the User Access policy is published playlists. You can freely access those playlists without the user granted access because A) the user is most likely you anyway and B) you already have access to it. You can get a list of them with /playlists/getPublished.

Playlist Format

All playlists will be returned in the following format:

"id": 152740,
"name": "My Playlist",
"description": "I'm writing a description about these songs, but you should probably just listen to them.",
"image": "/user_data/212/1580243158.4552-42550-212-r.jpg",
"dateCreated": 1374878905,
"dateAltered": 1580243159,
"publishLocal": 1,
"publishBuyer": 0,
"ownerId": 212,
"owner": "Brent Phillips",
"ownerEmail": "",
"whiteId": 436,
"folderId": 0,
"includeNested": 1,
"trackCount": 18,
"albumCount": 0,
"itemsLoaded": false,
"albums": [],
"tracks": []

Please note the itemsLoaded value. We do not include all the albums and tracks for responses that are lists of playlists, like /playlists/getPublished or /playlists/getFromUser, because it could be a ton of data (it might be anyway). You can use /playlists/getById to actually load the playlists items, and also any of the atomic interactions will return the new playlist with items.