Listing Uploads

You can get a list of all your pending import tracks (anything that hasn’t been published yet) by sending in the list command. This is a good way to check what would be published if you used the publish command. You can also take a look at a single track if you supply the upload id. Sometimes you may have thousands of files in your publish queue, so you’ll want to list by id and get only the file you’re concerned with, or you’ll be waiting on that request for a while. If you want to check on the progress of a publish job, you can enter the job id you got from when you published it.

Param Required Description
upload_id no The id of the upload you wish to see the status and metadata of
job_id no The id of the job you wish to see the status of

Example Response

upload_id: 51223,
status: 'publishqueue',
formats: ['mp3', 'wav'],
sources: [
meta: {
Title: "My Title.",
Filename: "myfile.mp3",
Album: "My Album",
upload_id: 51224,
status: 'publishqueue',
formats: ['mp3', 'wav'],
sources: [
meta: {
Title: "My Title2.",
Filename: "myfile2.mp3",
Album: "My Album2",