

Get a page of claim data. The default response will include the 100 most recent claims sorted by date in descending order. Include the optional pg and show pagination parameters to obtain a specific page or number of claims to include in the response. You may also filter claim data to a specific channel, track or video. All optional parameters supported by this endpoint are described in the table below.

optional claim data request parameters
Parameter Type Description
show int The number of claims to show per page.
pg int The page of claim data to retrieve.
claim_id string Get data for a specific claim by claim ID.
video_id string Get claims against a specific by youtube video ID.
channel_id string Get claims against a specific youtube channel by youtube channel ID.
track_id int Get claims pertaining to a specific track by SourceAudio Track ID.

Example requests

//get a specific page of claim data
"pg": 2,
"show": 25
// filter response by to a specific set of claim data
"claim_id": "UC_B7kPmEgq9QbgkwNKjG1Cg",
"video_id": "UC_B7kPmEgq9QbgkwNKjG1Cg",
"track_id": 123456,
"channel_id": "UC_B7kPmEgq9QbgkwNKjG1Cg"

Example response

"claim" : [
"claim_id": "2Rp4MH4PH5o",
"date": 1537478135,
"asset_id": "A600418012602712",
"video_id": "SYEm2FOGocc",
"channel_id": "UC_B7kPmEgq9QbgkwNKjG1Cg",
"private": 0,
"video_title": "Music Test",
"video_author": "Brent",
"track_id": 7640946,
"released": 1,
"released_by": "Whitelisted release"
"res": {
"pg": 0,
"show": 100,
"count": 21
The response object.
Name Type Included Description
claim array yes an array of content ID claim objects string yes The ID of the claim. int yes Timestamp of when the claim occurred.
claim.asset_id string yes The asset id associated with the claim.
claim.video_id string yes The YouTube video ID associated with the claim.
claim.channel_id string yes The YouTube channel ID associated with the claim.
claim.private int yes [01 false, true ] If the video is private or not.
claim.video_title string yes The title of the YouTube video.
claim.video_author string yes The author of the YouTube video.
claim.track_id string yes SourceAudio track ID for which the claim was generated.
claim.channel_id string yes The YouTube channel ID associated with the claim.
claim.released int yes [01 false, true ] Indicates if the claim was released
claim.released_by string yes A note describing the type of release for released claims.
res object yes Pagination data for the result set. int yes The page number of claim response data for the request. int yes The number of claims to show per page.
res.count int yes The total number of claims found for the requested parameters.