Featuring Content


Featured content like a featured track, artist, composer, label, or catalog will show up at the top of lists of items of that kind.

For example, if you feature a track, that track will show up at the top of any list where it would normally not be at the top– when it would normally appear somewhere in the middle. If you feature a label, that label will show up at the top of any list of labels where it would normally be somewhere in the middle. Etc.

Featuring playlists has a different functionality than any other featured content. Read about that below.

Featuring content also selects that content to appear in home page widgets. Read more about this in Managing Site Appearance

If you have any problems or questions, please contact us at support@sourceaudio.com

Featuring Content

You can feature content from the Featured Content section within your admin panel, or quickly feature content from the front end of your site.

To manage your featured content, head to your Admin Panel → Featured Content, then click your field of choice in the corresponding sub-tab across the top of the page. Once you’re at your page of choice (tracks, albums artists, etc.), find the material you’re looking for by searching for it in the right hand text entry box under “Lookup and add by Title or ID”. Matching results will be prompted as you begin to type. Click the left-pointing arrow to feature the content, or the name of the content to view it on your site.

After clicking to feature the content, you’ll see it appear as a featured listing on the left/center. You can use the up/down arrows to reorder the featured content or the red X to un-feature it.

You can also feature/un-feature material from the front end of your site. Just head to the material and hover over it with your mouse– you should see an outline of a star appear. Click the outline of a star to turn it into a filled-in star– this signifies that the material is now featured. Click a filled-in star to turn it back into an outline of a star and un-feature the material.

Featuring Playlists

Featuring a playlist publishes it so that you can make it available to your site visitors.

To make a playlist appear to your site visitors, start by heading to the playlist by clicking its name from your playlist module on the left hand side of your browser window – seen on all track, album, genre, and all other track list pages. If your browser window is on the smaller side, you may need to click the three-line icon at the top of the thin white bar along the left-hand side of your browser window to expand the left toolbar.

Once you’re looking at your playlist, click the “More Actions” drop-down seen on the top right when viewing your playlist, and click Publishing Settings. In the pop up that appears, use the drop-down to select whether you want to publish the playlist to your primary Playlist page, if you want to create an additional playlist page, or if you want to create an additional playlists page by clicking “+New Tab”. Click Save after making your selection. You’ll immediately be prompted to create a new site navigation tab if you don’t already have one set up to access that page. You can do this now, later, or not at all so that the page of published playlists cannot be accessed from the front end of your site; more information on utilizing hidden playlist pages can be found in the Playlist Pages section below. For more information on how to create site tabs, see Managing Site Appearance.

Once your playlist is “published” (whether you’ve created a tab for it or not) you’ll see the playlist appear in your Admin Panel → Featured Content → Playlists. Here you can click the playlist page name to view the page of playlists, the pen/paper icon to change the name of the page, or the red X to delete the playlist page and the listings of the published playlists– unpublishing them. To reorder the playlists published on a playlist page, click the playlist page name to view the page of playlists and then use the up/down arrows on the right-hand side to reorder the playlists. To add artwork to a playlist, click More Options next to the playlist in question, and then upload artwork by clicking Browse in the pop up that appears. When you’ve finished uploading, click Save to save your changes.

Once a tab is created that leads to a page of published playlists, or a single published playlist itself, your site visitors can access that content (either the page of playlists or single playlist) at any time.

Note, publishing a playlist will not override the privacy settings you have in place for the tracks within the playlist, i.e. if a track is hidden from a user (whether it be because the tracks release date is in the future, the track is set to “Private”/“Admin Only”, or the track is hidden because of Music Access Filters settings), the track will not appear in the published playlist. For more information on hiding tracks, see User Management.

Playlist Pages

You can curate a page of playlists to send out without making the page available to every site visitor. If you publish a playlist page according to the instructions above without creating a site nav tab for it, you can still access the page yourself from the admin panel, and send out a link to the playlist page or a single published playlist.

To share a page of published playlists or a single published playlist, start by heading to your Admin Panel → Featured Content → Playlists. Click the name of your playlist, copy the URL from your URL bar, and send it as desired. For a single playlist, click to view an individual playlist, and send them a link to just that playlist. If you send a link to a single playlist the recipient will not be able to “go back” and see the page containing it.

Reminder: this works because these playlists have been published, this wouldn’t work with an unpublished playlist.

Note, songs within the playlist(s) will be viewable per the recipient’s normal access settings. For more information on this see the note at the end of the previous section.